Thursday, December 22, 2011

bersama Prof Madya Dr. Fauziah Abdullah.

Research just 4 carry mark.

Cuti sem 1 dah stat..Yah00o!!!but that's just last for a week..maen game plant vs. zonbie..and layan movie..tu je kje..maen game sampai masa makan pun's to excited too plays the games.

A week after that, project research for my carry mark for both sem (sem 1 and sem 2) group consist of four and Ezhar..WHAT WE DO???Our target just to finish this research that's bout Azadirachta Indica as insect repellant..but after we meet the staff include Prof Fauziah at University Malaya..everything's seems the topis have to be change to Larvicide prop. of A.Indica..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New start at 10..

Malas...tu slah stu sebab ak x update blog ak pown ak akn truskan jugak...First life at form's quite difficutl..minggu prtama ak duk kat asrama 2 ak slalu tdo lwat...pkul 2 pg bru tdo coz nak myiapkan kerja sklah yg brtimbun-timbun bnyknye..thats make me tension...klas tutorial dh pown mse untuk ak siapkan homework makin x pe sbab ckgu dh x bg bnyk krja ak blehlah tdo awal cket..yahoooo...One more problem..psal KOT..KejohananOlahraga Tahunan..ptang2 ak kne turun padang tuk latihan...sbnarnye ak x buat pe pown...ia cukup mletihkan..effectnye ak slalu trsengguk dlm msjid..Duit pown satu hal lagi..KOT nie akan mnelan perbelanjaan yg bsar bg form 5 untuk setiap rumah sukan..Rahman merupakan rumah sukan ak..warna kuning...tema rumah sukan ak ialah Arabian kami kena byar untuk costume kami..hiasan khemah kami dan jugak t-shirt rumah sukan kami n hiasan dorm...perbelanjaanye menelan bratus2...uhh...bnyknye...One more bad news...ak kne klas pagi ngan che math ak...coz dpt markah rndh dln topical test...malah weyh...(malasnye)..oh my me...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Colour of da year 2009..

2000 and 9...The years full of colours and is almost the end of the year..and i write this latest post just to talk a little bit about the summary of my fourth year at Faris Petra..
A bundle of experience i gain throughout this exciting year..some of them sweet and some of them journey begin with my new breath in 4 alpha..1st class in form 4..Then lanscape competition..although we didn't get the gold that we admire but i'm manage to get close with some of the crew of lanscape team like amealya..G..syakir and cowrie..In the middle of the year..English Drama Competition was held and of course i'm involved although as a prop's maker..not as actor..the spells of drama went to SERATAS..we went there to fight for our victory at nasional level..But we have badluck when we didn't get what we actually should get ..the 1st place..but i got the positive impact from it and until now i'm still thinking about drama..I miss them so much as much as i love emarald london..gulam(our drama teacher)..the crew..the event..everything soo soo sweet..then... my trip to cameron through the Geography Club.Ohh before that..i faced a gigantic problem(not sure either big or small)that related to my class..i've made my own desicion to change my class from the 1st class to the last class..4 lambda..the reason is SECRET!!!it is a little bit ashamed for me because to get the permission for the class exchanged i've cried in front of PK1 then the issues become a hot gossip among the teachers..but i dont care about it..let it gone..At the edge of da year,i'm participated in INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE MODEL COMPETITION..we went to Johor for the there although we didn't won..we can go out for shopping and enjoy ourselves at there..Now when i'm memorise it back my adrenaline will had thought me how to handle something and i shall not forget it for ever....

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stay ngan form 5 "sepurnama"!!!

Cuti akhir tahun dah tiba..Fuhh''lega cket ati aku''before ak blik umah...ak trpaksa stay ngan form 5 satu malam jea bukannye sepurnama..Tapi apa yg ak alami sungguh menderitakan,totally horrible..aku stay bukannye sebab pe pon just x de orang nak mai ambik ak kat sklah..every body busy ngan hal masing-masing..
Sepanjang aku stay tu aku x makan pe pon..uhh lapaqnyer..mcam-mcam aku try buat tuk isi perut yg bergelumang ngan cacing-cacing ni..first skali ak pi kat kak enzan canteen-:harapan ak hancur berderai bak cermin tingkap terkena bola pabila ak lihat grill tempat kak enzan masih rapat berkunci..aku x putus asa..aku pon pi la kat kelas ak di tingkat 13..semuanye gelap..aku terus melangkah menaiki anak tangga dan memberanikan diri menekan potek-potek lampu..dah la mase tu hujan lebat...kat kelas..aku pikir camne nak isi perut aku x tau nak wat pe..xkan laa aku nak jump pi kat kat hotel yus owner..x sanggup la..aku pon pi la membuat spotchek kelas demi kelas kat tingkat 13 tu..then aku jumpe ngan soalan chemist paper one..ak pon tanpa membuang masa pi balik aspura and carik jawapan bagi soalan tu..aku buat ni dalam bilik prefect..walaupon perut aku berkeroncong tapi aku buat tak endah jea..keesokan harinye...aku masih x dapat tahan nafsu makan aku..aku pon pi kat PIBG POST untuk beli air 'gonggeng-gonggeng'(air tin)..kat ctu aku geram sangat..y?sebab mesin air tu tak menjadi...dahlah aku basah kuyup nak pi ctu and then mesin tu tak jadi laa pulak...eeeiii...aku pon balik la hostel..then mai la orang yg amik aku..aku pon balik and on the way home ak makan nasi ayam bungkus..-the end-

Friday, November 20, 2009

The corntniu... latest update is about fundamental exam:the end of da year exam..The 6 paper that remain..i think it's hard to me to score 50/50 on all of them.but by using my useful photographic memory i have try my best to vastily improve the crumple result of mid year exam..the subject that filmed my emosion are +math,bio and chemist..The tormenting question makes me urge myself to get through the question with a bundle of patience..Class??its nothing for me..that's why i change my
class this year..The only thing that i want is the enjoyment of learning process.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Brain vs paper

'EXAM'...what comes in your mind when you hear about it???For's makes me annoying+suck+jerk..FINAL EXAM comes to me and stop in front me...i try to run as fast as i could to escape from it still follow me..I reliaze that i'm cant have a narrow escape from it..Then i'll just take it...thiss exam is very important because the student those did not get A+(98-100)will be expelled from HOGWARD SCH0OL...(bahagian yg ditokok tambah.)Actually this exam will determine our class next year!!!kalaula boleh...ak x nak pon amik this exam..'aku x ready agi larrh...' tapi aku tabahkan diri menghitung hari-hari yang mendatang...three first paper ak bleh la jawab ngan rase puas ati...bravo..Bravo..roni...but there are still 6 paper remain...thiss 6 paperlah yg buat ak rase mcam nak suicide jer...tpi apakan daya masa tak akan kembali hancur musnah la ''SEMUANYERR!'!!!(NI NAK NYANYIKER NAK APER NIE HAH)back to da future...(kj yg kater bukan ak ok)paper-paper nilah yg jadi killer subject pade semue student...'APE YG AKAN BERLAKU SELEPAS NIH,AK PON TAK TAU LARrrr..'same-same kite nantikannyer kkk.....-t0 bee corntniu-